Novatech Chinazone is an initiative of Shenxia China, which is fully supported by Novatech Controls Ltd

Oxygen Analysers

For combustion control on Boilers, Furnaces, Kilns and Generators
Model 1732 Oxygen Analyser

Please refer to the Technical manual for the technical instructions.

Please refer to the Operator manual for the operator instructions.
Model 1632 Oxygen Analyser

Please refer to the Installation manual for the instructions.

Humidity Analysers

For humidity control on Papermills and Food-processing applications
Model 1735 Humidity Analyser

Please refer to the Technical manual for the technical instructions.

Please refer to the Operator manual for the operator instructions.
Model 1635 Water Vapour Transmitter

Please refer to the Installation manual for detailed explanations..

O2 and CO2 Analysers

For packaging applications in Food- and Pharmaceutical industry.
Model 1737 Portable Oxygen and Carbon-Dioxide Analyser for
packaging applications under modified atmosphere ( MAP)

Please refer to the Operators manual for detailed user instructions.

Model 1637 Stationairy Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Analyser

Please refer to the Installation manual for the instructions.

Special Analysers

For oxygen control on Annealing Furnaces and Heat Threatment applications
Model 1634 Carbon controller for heat treatment applications

Please refer to the Installation manual for the instructions.
Model 1638 Dew Point Analyser used in annealing furnaces

Please refer to the Installation manual for the instructions.